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Case Report

A rare case of disseminated malignant melanoma

Anuj Sharma, Vinay Shanker, Gita Ram Tegta, Ghanshyam Kumar Verma, Renu Rattan.

Cited by 0 Articles

Malignant melanomas arise from the various tissues harboring melanocytes including skin, mucocutaneous junctions, conjunctiva, iris, and choroids. They may metastasize to various organs including the skin itself but their presentation, as metastatic cutaneous nodules, is rare. Hereby, a case of metastases of melanoma with unknown primary is being reported, where a young adult male presented with cutaneous nodules of melanoma and metastatic deposits in the lungs and brain.

Key words: Malignant Melanoma; Melanoma; Cutaneous Metastases

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