Background: The Medical Council of India (MCI) has stated the minimum standards in its regulations for the quality of Medical Education in India. It is observed that assessment of medical students, though an important aspect, does not follow in a uniform way by all medical colleges.
Aim and Objective: To evaluate and compare summative assessment pattern for undergraduate pharmacology practical examination in all medical colleges of Gujarat state.
Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional observational study. The heads of pharmacology departments of one medical college from each university of Gujarat state were sent by e-mail, a Letter of intent and their summative assessment pattern for undergraduate pharmacology practical examination was gathered. Data collected were evaluated and compared in the terms of contents (different practical modules with weight age of marks) and mode of assessment.
Results: The data were discrete in nature, showing no uniformity. All the university conducts a practical examination of total 40 marks. The majority of the universities conducts theory viva of 15 marks and different practical exercises of 25 marks. The majority of universities takes two table viva of 15 marks each and then makes an average for viva. All the universities include prescription related exercises in the practical examination of 10 marks, but pattern of conduction is different. All universities had a different distribution of other exercises such as experimental pharmacology, adverse drug reaction reporting, P drug concept, spotting, and journal writing.
Conclusion: Although the pattern of pharmacology practical examination in the universities of Gujarat State serves the objectives laid down in the MCI regulations; there is a wide range of variation in exercises and their marks. There is a need for making a common pattern, which can be implemented for uniform assessment throughout the state.
Key words: Summative Assessment; Pharmacology Practical Examination; Undergraduate Teaching