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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2017; 24(2): 223-225

Closed posterior total (pan-talar) dislocation of the talus: an unusual injury patern

Erdal Uzun, Ali Eray Gunay, Turan Bilge Kizkapan, Mahmut Mutlu, Abdulhamit Misir.

Cited by 0 Articles

Major displaced fractures and dislocations of the talus are uncommon. Total talar dislocations are caused by high-energy traumas occuring as dislocations from all its surrounding articulations. Pathophysiologic mechanisms are still a subject of controversy. Most reported cases are open talus dislocations; closed dislocations are rarely seen. Here, we present a 25 year old male with an injury of closed posterior total talus dislocation with concomitant medial malleolus fracture. After closed reduction of talus, internal fixation of medial malleolus was performed. At the last visit, the ankle was painless, stable with mobility, and without any radiologic signs of avascular necrosis of talus.

Key words: Dislocation; Talus; Pantalar; Posterior.

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