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Review Article

J App Pharm Sci. 2017; 7(4): 213-219

Effect of Nigella sativa supplementation on human lipids: systematic review

Redhwan Ahmed Al-Naggar, Muhamed T. Osman, Isa Naina Mohamed, Khairun Nain Bin Nor Aripin, Mahfoudh A. M. Abdulghani.


Nigella sativa (NS) is widely used in traditional medicine and several studies have been conducted to reveal NS effects on different medical disorders including hyperlipidemia. Since hyperlipidemia is a common risk factor for the development of cardiovascular illness. We evaluated the effects of NS supplementation on lipid profile in clinical trial performed among humans. A search on published studies was done by using databases including Scopus, PubMed, Google Scholar, Thomas Reuters Web of Science, and CINAHIL. Terms searched included “Nigella. sativa, Black seed, Black cumin, Triglycerides, Cholesterol, Lipoproteins”. Initially 432 articles were extracted. However, four hundred eighteen papers were unrelated, reviews, animal studies, combined and duplicated studies were excluded, and finally only fourteen articles were eligible for this review. After analysing 14 articles including 738 participants from different countries and nations. Results of these clinical trials revealed that Nigella sativa is effective to change the lipid profile significantly in different conditions. This systematic review revealed that Nigella sativa supplementation might be effective in hyperlipidemic control in humans and seems potential target of future drug for hyperlipidemic conditions

Key words: Nigella sativa, black seeds, hyperlipidemia, human lipids, lipid profile.

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