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The impact of gender on spouse preference in university students

Sermin Timur Tashan, Zekeriya Caliskan, Gulcin Nacar, Ilksen Orhan Ergin.


This study aims to determine the impact gender has on the spouse preferences of university students. Designed as descriptive and cross-sectional, the study involved a population of 2383 senior-level students at a state university. As the study was planned to include all students from the said year-level at the university, no sample group was selected for the study. The study ended up being completed with a total of 1491 students. Data were evaluated using the chi square test and the independent samples t-test. Results from the study found that in terms of spouse selection criteria, a good personality (94.9%) and a high educational level (56.6%) were more important to female students than they were to male students (p

Key words: Gender, student, spouse selection

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