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Protective effects of a locally-manufactured device on electromagnetic radiation-induced cellular alterations in rats exposed to mobile phone radiation

Hussein Oyelola Bukoye Oloyede, Zakariyyau Atiq, Rilwan Adebayo Adigun, Musa Oyewole Salawu.


Aim/background: There is worldwide concern on the possible health hazards induced by electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by hand held devices and laptops. The present study therefore investigated the effect of a locally manufactured anti-electromagnetic radiation device in rats exposed to mobile phone radiation.
Methods:Thirty two rats were acclimatized for 2 weeks and randomized into four groups; group I was the control (not exposed to radiation or device), groups II-IV were exposed to phone only, device only and phone and device respectively. The rats were exposed to continuous electromagnetic fields for 1 hour daily (totaling 50/missed calls) for a period of 28 days.
Results showed that electromagnetic field exposure caused a significant decrease (p

Key words: mobile phones, electromagnetic radiation, oxidative stress, protective device

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