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Associations of vitamin D with metabolic syndrome components in Indian urban middle-aged women

Pranita Ashok, Bhawani Balsubramanian, Sadhana Joshi, Jayashree S Kharche, Sunita M Vaidya.

Cited by 2 Articles

Background: The prevalence of metabolic syndrome is increasing in developing countries and the prevalence is reported to be higher in Indian urban women and vitamin D deficiency is documented as a common health problem. However, little is known regarding whether vitamin D deficiency plays an important role in the heightened prevalence of metabolic syndrome.

Aims and Objectives: This study was planned to assess the levels of vitamin D and their association with components of metabolic syndrome in middle-aged women.

Materials and Methods: A total of 300 women volunteers who were in the age group of 35-64 years were included in the study. We used the criteria of metabolic syndrome defined by A joint interim statement of the International Diabetes Federation task force. Plasma levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] was assessed by chemiluminescence method. Pearson’s correlation was used for associations.

Results: Vitamin D levels are significantly lower in women with metabolic syndrome. Waist circumference (WC), systolic blood pressure (BP), and triglyceride concentrations were inversely associated with vitamin D concentrations. 84% are with deficient levels of vitamin D.

Conclusion: Vitamin D deficiency was found to be common in Indian women. Elevated WC, BP, and triglycerides were found to inversely associate with low serum levels of 25(OH)D. Improving vitamin D status would be useful in improving the health in middle-aged urban women.

Key words: Vitamin D; Metabolic Syndrome; Middle-aged Women

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