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Significance of measurement of corrected calcium in patients with normoalbuminemia

Dipti S Karbhari, Nilam S Karbhari, Shailesh Patel.

Cited by 1 Articles

Background: Total calcium (TC) level is influenced by the serum albumin level. Calcium is corrected for the lower range of albumin using different formula. While corrected calcium (CC) is frequently reported by laboratory when there is hypoalbuminemia, similar variation in albumin even in patients with normal albumin will result variation in total serum calcium.

Objectives: This study is conducted to analyze the effect of CC measurement in clinical decision-making in patient with normal albumin level.

Materials and Methods: In 579 patients with serum albumin between 3.2 and 5.5 g/dl by bromocresol green dye method, TC by Arsenazo III method were measured and CC were calculated. The discordance between TC and CC in relation to reference range is found in percentage.

Results: The discordance between TC and CC was observed between 7.9-9.2 mg/dl and 10.3-10.7 mg/dl. Overall discordance rate in the range of 7.9-9.2 mg/dl was 20% and in the range of 10.3-10.7 mg/dl was 40%.

Conclusion: When TC is around the upper and lower reference range, CC may affect clinical decision-making.

Key words: Corrected Calcium; Albumin; Normoalbuminemia; Measurement

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