Objective: To assess whether the emergency physicians are aware of legal obligations and responsibilities, and their point of view and knowledge levels on this topic.
Material and Methods: The study was conducted among emergency physicians as a face-to-face survey by giving verbal information, from different emergency departments of Turkey who attended the 4th International Euroasian Congress of Emergency, where 600 participants participated between 13-16 November 2014. All of the questions were organized in relation to the legal obligations of the physician.
Results: A total of 124 physicians participated in the questionnaire. Their mean age was 29.13±13.10, their medical experience was 29.13±13.10 years, and their mean emergency experience time was 7.17±4.90 years, and mean time after emergency residency was 2.96±4.00 years. It is striking that 43 (34.7%) of the participants answered the question what is the most important legal responsibility of emergency physicians? as to pay attention to patient care. 116 (93.5%) of participants stated that handcuffs had to be removed during medical examination of the prisoners and detainees, and 100% of them reported that the patients privacy should be respected.
Conclusion: We think that physicians must be well-educated on legal issues during their undergraduate education to learn and apply the legislation about medical practice, and various courses and symposiums should be organized within the framework of in-service training.
Key words: Emergency service, physicians obligation, medical law