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The effect of Vitamin B12 deficiency on the GH-IGF1 axis

Belma Haliloglu, Gulen Tuysuz, Avni Kaya.


Vitamin B12 (B12) deficiency is associated with growth retardation, reduced serum osteocalcin levels, lower bone mineral density, and increased bone fracture risk, yet the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. However, a recent study showed that B12 positively regulates postweaning growth and bone formation via taurine. B12 deficiency causes growth hormone resistance (GH) and IGF1 (Insulin-like growth factor-1) deficiency. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the effect of B12 deficiency on the axis of GH-IGF1 and serum taurine level.
Eighteen children with B12 deficiency (B12 düzeyi

Key words: vitamin B12, taurine, growth hormone, IGF1

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