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Original Research

RMJ. 2017; 42(3): 312-315

Effect of examınatıon stress on energy and nutrıent ıntake ın unıversıty students

Gülsün Memi, Nalan Hakime Nogay.


Objective: To evaluate the changes in the energy and nutrient intake of students during examination week.
Methodology: The study was conducted with 32 university students, of whom 16 were male and 16 were female. Nutrient consumption records were taken for 3 days during and 3 days after the examination week, for a total of 6 days.
Results: The energy intake of all of the students was significantly higher compared to the control period. The fat rate of the energy were found to be higher in the examination period compared to the control period (p

Key words: Nutrition, stress, nutrient, students

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