Case Report |
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Epididymal lymphangioma, an unusual cause of scrotal swelling in adultAlioune Sarr, Abdellahi Dahbi, Amadou Ndiade, Désiré Wamba, Pape Mawade Ndiaye, Mouhamed Cissé, Ousmane Sow, Abdou Niasse, Néné Mariame Sow, Ibou Thiam, Papa Ahmed Fall. Abstract | | | Cited by 0 Articles | Lymphangioma is a benign tumor caused by localised malformations of well differentiated lymphatic vessels. Epididymal localization is rare, especially in adults.We report a case of a 35 years old patient who had consulted for a swelling left scrotal. The physical examination revealed a nodule in the epididymis, which was confirmed by ultrasound examination of the scrotum. The diagnosis of epididymal lymphangioma was made by histological examination after orchiectomy.
Key words: lymphangioma, adult, epididymis