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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2017; 24(3): 333-337

Use of cone beam computed tomography in the diagnosis and treatment planning of follicular ameloblastoma: A case report with review of literature

Ananya Madiyal, Subhas G Babu, Renita Castelino, Vidya Ajila, Supriya Bhat, Sonika Achalli, Medhini Madi, Kumuda Rao.

Cited by 0 Articles

Ameloblastoma is a benign but locally invasive odontogenic tumor. It is found most often in the posterior mandible and occurs as a slow growing painless mass. Diagnosis is made based on the clinical, radiographic and histopathologic features. Newer imaging modalities such as cone beam computed tomography offer massive advantage over traditional radiography thereby helping in better diagnosis and treatment planning. The goal of treatment is complete elimination of the tumor with reconstruction of the defect. This can be achieved with precise radiographic images concerning the size and extension of the lesion as is obtained by cone beam computed tomography. We present here a case of follicular ameloblastoma with a detailed description of its various radiographic features thereby improving the body of knowledge regarding the use of this new development in the field of imaging.

Key words: Ameloblastoma; CBCT; Radiography; Follicular.

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