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Are we over-treating biceps tendon disorders?

Ali Tufan Pehlivan, Esmehan Pehlivan, Yunus Imren, Suleyman Semih Dedeoglu, Ali Sari.


The aim was to analyse biceps tendon disorders histopathologically in order to get a better understanding of the pathogenesis. A histopathological examination was made of tissue samples taken from 41 patients in subpectoral biceps tenodesis operations applied for a diagnosis of biceps tendinopathy. The mean age of the patients was 53,4 (range: 27- 64). The mean Constant shoulder score was determined as 32 preoperatively and 84 postoperatively. The VAS (visual analog score) values were determined as mean 8.75 preoperatively and 2.18 postoperatively. As a result of the histopathological examinations, no findings suggestive of an acute or chronic inflammatory event were determined in any case. The histological findings determined were not sufficient to explain the pathophysiology of biceps tendinopathy diseases. The findings strengthened the view that extrinsic factors apart from the tendon could play a significant role in the pathogenesis of the disease. Therefore, we ask whether or not tendon decompression may be considered as a treatment option for biceps tendinopathies as in chronic compression tendinopathies.

Key words: Biceps tendinitis, biceps tendinopathy, tenosynovium, long head biceps tendon

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