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Case Report

RMJ. 2017; 42(4): 604-605

High repetitions of salat (prayer) activity in stroke rehabilitation

Misbah Ghous, Arshad Nawaz Malik.


Salat activity along with task oriented approach is used as a treatment protocol in stroke rehabilitation. The subject of this report was a 55-year-old woman who had acute ischemic stroke. She had dysarthria with left hemiparesis, hemi sensory loss, hemi neglect. Score on the NIH stroke scale was 21, indicating severe neurological deficit. She exhibited limitations of walking function, impaired balance and strength of upper and lower limb. For 8 weeks, she underwent a 5-day/week task oriented and Salat (prayer) activity repetition training comprises of 1 hour. After 8-weeks exercise program, major improvement occurred in overall body strength, balance, gait, walking endurance and functional mobility of the patient.

Key words: Stroke rehabilitation, salat activity, repetition training

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