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Effect of growth regulators on callus morphology of Rice anther culture

Avinash Sharma, Dalpat Lal and Monoj Sutradhar.

Cited by 7 Articles

The present investigation was undertaken to know the effect of various combination of auxin and cytokinin on callus morphology in japonica rice. As the callus induction is a prerequisite for anthers culture and finally development of haploids certain callus morphology criteria empirically identified. Among the colour of callus, this was either white or yellow. The white colour was preferred. In addition to callus growth determine empirically low, medium and high define as 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Callus texture was also identified as compact and friable but compact texture was accepted as more promising. Callus morphology is an empirical which can be use to predict the regeneration ability of calli.

Key words: Anther culture, Japonica rice, Haploids, Callus morphology, Callus texture

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