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Ann Med Res. 2017; 24(3): 258-260

Determination of the frequency of growth retardation in pediatric out patients with growth retardation complaints

Ibrahim Hakan Bucak, Habip Almis, Samet Benli, Mehmet Oztekin, Mehmet Turgut.

Cited by 1 Articles

Aim: Having a healthy child is the most basic concern for parents, and their children being ill or showing signs of illness therefore
causes them anxiety. Parents cannot generally be objective in assessing the growth of their own children. Children’s growth must be
evaluated solely with appropriate measurements and assessment criteria. The purpose of this study is to investigate the growth of
patients with suspected retarded growth presenting to the children’s health and diseases clinic.
Material and Methods: One hundred patients presenting with retarded growth to the Adıyaman University Training and Research
Hospital children’s health and diseases clinic were included in this study. Patients were evaluated for retarded growth through
measurement of weight, height and head circumference.
Results: One hundred patients, 49 boys (49%) and 51 girls (51%) presenting with retarded growth were enrolled in the study. Patients’
mean age was 47.62 ± 43.1 (3-192) months. The mean weight was 14.51 ± 7.9 (4.5-46.9) kg and mean height was 95.61 ± 23.14 (57-
164) cm. Mean head circumference was 43.97 ± 2.6 (37-49) cm. In our observed population, the following measurements fell below
the third percentile: Weight: 4 patients (4%); Weight and Height: 12 patients (12%); and Weight, Height and Head Circumference: 4
Patients (4%).
Conclusion: An increasing number of concerned parents does not necessarily indicate any actual problem, or any abnormally high
incidence of actual retarded growth and development than that might be expected from the literature. Well child visits must be
performed and parents provided sufficient information on normal development.

Key words: Child; Growth; Retardation.

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