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Nig. Vet. J.. 2017; 38(3): -

Retrospective occurrence and risk factors associated with cattle parasitic infections in Osun State, Nigeria

0LA-FADUNSIN Shola David.


Parasitism is one of the major constraints for profitable dairy and beef industry in tropical and subtropical countries including Nigeria. Data was obtained from cattle diagnosed and treated for parasitic diseases at the major Veterinary clinics in Osun State between January 2006 and December 2016. A total of 393 cattle were treated for different parasitic diseases. Of the 393 cattle infected, 265 (67.4%) were White Fulani, 60 (15.3%) Sokoto Gudali, 42 (10.7%) Red Bororo and 26 (6.6%) Keteku breeds. Two hundred and forty two (61.6%) were young cattle while 151 (38.4%) were adult cattle. Male cattle was 146 (37.2%) of the total number, while 247 (62.8%) were female. Two hundred and ninety six (75.3%) and 97 (24.7%) cases occurred during the dry and wet seasons, respectively. Helminthoses 235 (59.8%), babesiosis 6 (1.5%), trypanosomiasis 306 (77.9%), tick infestation 18 (4.6%) and mange 20 (5.1%) were the parasitic diseases diagnosed, with trypanosomiasis and helminthoses having the highest occurrence. Most cases of parasitic diseases (345/393; 87.8%) were recorded between 2006 and 2008. Three hundred and twenty (81.4%) cases were recorded in January, July and August. From the data obtained, breeds of cattle, age, sex and season were statistically associated (p0.05). There was a significant association (p

Key words: Cattle, Osun State, Parasitic Diseases, Occurrence

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