Excessive release of Lead (Pb) contaminated effluent into the water bodies become the lead poisonous. This waste water is the main source for the transfer of Lead (Pb) into the living organisms. Lead (Pb) is a poisonous heavy metal that accumulates in the tissues of organisms when it is taken excessively through drinking water. This bioaccumulation disturbs functional activity of the tissues in living organisms. In this research the morphology of the lead (Pb) compound precipitate powder was analyzed using Scanning electron microscope (SEM). This precipitate was also analyzed for the elemental composition using Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), which is coupled with SEM. From the EDX results, Weight and Atomic percentages of Lead (Pb) in the precipitate were 62.81 and 13.05 respectively in spectrum 1 and 69.32 and 17.51 respectively in the spectrum 2. And also the concentration of lead (Pb) was determined as 1.21 mg/L using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES). Temperature, pH, Chemical oxygen demand (COD), Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and turbidity of the effluent were also measured as 140C, 2.34, 448 mg/L, 173 mg/L and 163.4 NTU respectively.
Key words: Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX), Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES), Lead (Pb), Morphology, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).