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Case Report

Open Vet J. 2017; 7(3): 235-238

Laryngeal paralysis associated with a muscle pseudotumour in a young dog

Francesca Rizzo, Cecilia Benetti, Consuelo Ballatori, Diana Binanti.

Cited by 0 Articles

An 18-month-old male entire Bloodhound dog was presented with a six-week history of progressive inspiratory dyspnoea, stridor, dysphonia and exercise intolerance. CT scan performed elsewhere had revealed the presence of an unencapsulated nodular mass (3x1x5 cm) dorsal to the larynx and first tracheal rings. Laryngoscopy demonstrated the presence of bilateral laryngeal paralysis and distorted laryngeal architecture suggestive of extra-luminal compression. Histopathology results of incisional biopsies from the mass were suggestive of a benign non-neoplastic muscular lesion. Surgery was performed to manage laryngeal paralysis and attempt mass excision. A second histopathology examination confirmed an inflammatory and dysplastic lesion suggestive of a pseudotumour. All clinical signs resolved after surgery and at the 13 months follow-up the dog remains asymptomatic. To the authorsÂ’ knowledge this is the first report of a case of laryngeal paralysis caused by a muscle pseudotumour in a young dog.

Key words: laryngeal paralysis, dog, muscle pseudotumour, larynx.

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