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Metabolic activities and health indices of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fed varying levels of Zingiber officinale root.

Adegbesan Sherifat Ibidunni, Obasa Samuel Olubodun, Abdulraheem Ikililu.

Cited by 5 Articles

Growth, haematology and histopathology are important indices in evaluating the health and physiological state of fish. These metabolic and health indices were examined in Clarias gariepinus fed with Zingiber officinale (ginger) roots- powder supplemented diets in 40-litre freshwater-filled plastic tanks. 120 C. gariepinus fingerlings (weight, 2.33±0.07g) were fed with 40% crude protein diets containing three concentrations of Zingiber officinale roots-powder:GRP1–1%; GRP2–2%; GRP3–3%, and control–0% ad libitum twice daily for 12 weeks. Significant differences (p < 0.05) occurred in the growth parameters except feed conversion ratio and specific growth rate. Survival rate decreased as concentration of powder increased. Differences (p

Key words: Growth, ginger root-powder, metabolism, health, dietary supplement, Clarias gariepinus

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