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Characterization and evaluation of some mung bean genotypes for drought tolerance

Mostafa Abdel-Kader El-Nabarawy, El-Sayed Hasan El-Kafafi, Ahmed Gamal Helal, Sahar Fathy El Hafnawy, Rasha Fathy El- Flaah.


This study was conducted to give insights about the mean performance of characterization under normal condition and evaluation of the response of drought tolerance of 21 mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) genotypes. The results showed that the genotypes (L19) had a highest significant some character’s plant height (cm), number of branches, number of pods, number of seeds and number of fruiting nods per plant, while the best yield was recorded with L14 and L15 genotypes. An effort to screening basis on growth parameters, physiological and biochemical characteristics, such as plant height, leaflet area, fresh and dry weight, leaf relative water content, cell membrane stability and chlorophyll (a and b) content, proline biomarker and some antioxidant enzyme activities, under different levels of drought stress. The results showed that different genotypes of mung bean exhibited distinct and significant response during screening for drought tolerance under different water-deficiency in plant growth stage. The tolerant genotypes showed less reduction in length, shoot fresh and dry weight, membrane stability, chlorophyll a and b contents, under high drought level (50%) with respect to susceptible genotypes plants. Based on growth parameters of each genotypes under high drought levels, total 6 genotypes L2, L4, L8, L18, L19, and L21 were selected for study the physiological and biochemical response to low water condition in different mung bean genotypes plants. Drought stress showed that the best genotypes for partially drought tolerance were L4, L18, L19, and L21. Total physiological and biochemical parameters (maintenance of turgor cells, proline accumulation, and content of photosynthetic pigments and increase of some antioxidant enzyme expression) is an important physiological and biochemical mechanisms and adaptation for minimizing the detrimental effects of drought stress.

Key words: Mung bean, chlorophyll a and b, relative water content, proline, antioxidant enzymes, drought stress

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