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Dusunen Adam. 2017; 30(3): 170-180

Relationship between body image, psychological symptom level and interpersonal style: alternative models

Ahmet Altinok, Ahmet Kara.


Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between body image, psychological symptom levels and interpersonal styles in college students. Two models have been tested for this purpose. In one of the models, the mediating effect of interpersonal style on the relationship between body image and psychological symptom levels; in the other model, the mediating effect of psychological symptom levels on the relationship between body image and interpersonal style was tested.
Method: The study group consists of 250 undergraduate students at several schools of a public university in Eskisehir who have been on the first term of the academic year 2015-2016. Subjects’ ages ranged 18–26 years. Body-Cathexis Scale, Personality Style Scale, and Brief Symptom Inventory were used as data collection tools in the study. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The bootstrapping method was also used to test the significance of the indirect effects.
Results: Findings revealed that the relationship between body image and interpersonal style was fully mediated by psychological symptom level, whereas the relationship between body image and psychological symptom level was partially mediated by interpersonal style.
Conclusion: This study revealed that body image is an important factor in college youth mental health.

Key words: Body image, interpersonal style, psychological symptom level, structural equation modeling

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