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Psychological resilience and health perception among adolescents and related factors

Emine Ela Kucuk.


This study aims to analyze the psychological resilience and health perception among adolescents together with the affecting factors. The sample of this cross-sectional study includes 561 adolescents who are 7th and 8th grade students attending secondary schools in Giresun province of Turkey, during 25 May - 5 June in 2015. During data collection, a questionnaire form comprising questions on socio-demographic characteristics and health perception is used in addition to the Adolescent Psychological Resilience Scale (APRS). During the analysis of the data; frequency, percentage, independent samples t test, and Mann-Whitney U test have been utilized. The APRS score of the participating students is found as 97.4±11.0. The psychological resilience score of the students who perceive their health as moderate is significantly lower than that of the students who perceive their health as good (p

Key words: Psychological resilience, adolescent, health perception, family

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