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Case Report

RMJ. 2017; 42(3): 440-443

Tuberculous otomastoiditis: a rare entity

Inshirah Muhtar, Puvan Arul Arumugam, Tengku Mohamed Izam Tengku Kamalden.


Tuberculous otomastoidtis (TOM) is a clinical challenge, which may results in delay or misdiagnosis, subsequently leads to complications. We report a case of TOM of a 50 year old lady with underlying 3 years history of left chronic otitis media who presented with acute facial paralysis. She failed to respond to medical therapy, and thus surgical intervention played a role. It is essential to have high degree of suspicion in establishing the diagnosis of TOM, so that early treatment can be initiated and also prevent complications.

Key words: Tuberculous mastoiditis, otitis media, facial nerve paralysis

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