In this prospective study, we aimed to evaluate the clinical and radiological results of our patients treated with radial shortening osteotomy (RSO) and proximal row carpectomy (PRC) together with a short review of the literature. The study included 35 patients with the diagnosis of Kienbock disease RSO was performed for 17 patients and 18 patients underwent PRC. 15 of the patients had Lichtman Stage 2, 14 patients had Stage 3A and 6 patients had Stage 3B disease. Q-DASH Score, Preoperative and postoperative carpal height ratio (CHR), revised CHR, stahl index, radial inclination values were noted. Preoperative and postoperative flexion-extension range of Motion (ROM) and ulnar deviation angles were also obtained. Nakamuras clinical evaluation system was performed to each patient. Results of clinical evaluation revealed significant progression at postoperative sixth month follow-up. Our results showed clinical improvement following surgeries of both RSO and PRC for Lichtman Stage 2, 3a and 3b disease. We consider that experience and technical familiarity of the surgeon is key factor to decide the type of the procedure to be performed.
Key words: Kienböcks Disease, proximal row carpectomy, radial shortening, Lichtman classification