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Short Communication

Open Vet J. 2017; 7(3): 203-207

Laboratory reference intervals for systolic blood pressure, rectal temperature, haematology, biochemistry and venous blood gas and electrolytes in healthy pet rabbits.

Miguel Gallego.

Cited by 18 Articles

Prospective data from 60 healthy pet rabbits were evaluated to establish reference intervals for

hematology, biochemistry, urinalysis, venous blood gas and electrolytes, rectal temperature

and systolic blood pressure. Reference intervals for rectal temperature (37,4-39,6 ºC) and

systolic blood pressure (90-119 mm/Hg) were previously unreported in pet rabbits.

Differences by more than 30% with reference intervals present in the bibliography were

observed in the blood biochemistry and urinalysis, being attributed to the variability in

methodological factors with the present study.

Key words: hematology, biochemistry, urinalysis, venous blood gas, electrolytes, rectal temperature, systolic blood pressure, pet rabbits.

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