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Case Report

J Med Allied Sci. 2017; 7(2): 114-117

A case report showing coexistence of two autoimmune diseases-psoriasis and vitiligo

Debasmita Chakraborty, Nayeem Sadath Haneef, Fatima Razvi, B. Y. Praveen Kumar, Nikhat Fatima, Neha Chowdary Koganti, Mohammed Altamash Zubair.


Psoriasis and vitiligo are autoimmune diseases. Occurrence of both these diseases in the same patient, especially at same sites is uncommon. Here, one such patient having both psoriasis and vitiligo lesions at the same site is being reported. An eight year old male patient presented with asymptomatic flat, white coloured, lesions over the left knee joint and left elbow joint since 3 years, followed by the appearance of multiple, asymptomatic red, scaly, elevated lesions over the pre-existing lesions since 10 days. There was no history of atopy, or drug intake/any applications or joint pains in this patient. There was family history of similar white coloured lesions and hypothyroidism. Cutaneous examination revealed well defined, polysized, depigmented macules measuring around 5x3 cm with leukotrichia affecting the left knee joint and the left elbow joint. There were multiple, well defined, erythematous, plaques measuring around 2x2cm with silvery white scales over the extensor aspect of left elbow joint and left knee joint within the depigmented macules. Auspitz’s sign (peeling and pinpoint bleeding spots over the lesion on scrapping with a glass side) was positive. There was sparing of genitalia, palms, soles and scalp. Hair and nail was normal. A provisional diagnosis of vitiligo associated with psoriasis vulgaris was made, which was confirmed on histopathology. Both psoriasis and vitiligo lesions were treated accordingly. Occurrence of both vitiligo and psoriasis in the same patient and at same sites indicates similar etiopathogenesis.

Key words: Coexistence, Koebner's phenomenon, Psoriasis, Vitiligo

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