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Distribution and evaluation of primary bone and soft tissue tumors admitted from Malatya province and surrounding provinces

Resit Sevimli.


In this study characteristics and distribution of primary bone and soft tissue tumors which were operated in Inonu University Turgut Ozal Medical Center Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology between January 2000 and December 2016 and comparison with the literature is aimed. Our study is retrospective and descriptive and 710 patients [275 M, 435 F, mean age: 30,67 (1-92)] who hospitalized with pre-diagnosis of a tumor were evaluated. Patients were analyzed according to age, gender, tumor frequency and localization. Of 710 cases which were taken into evaluation as primary bone and soft tissue tumors; 391 (55%) were determined to be bone tumors and 319 (45%) were determined to be soft tissue tumors. The most commonly seen benign bone tumor was determined to be osteochondroma (86; 25,59%) and then non-ossified fibroma (54; 16%), whereas the most commonly seen malignant bone tumor was determined to be chondrosarcoma (16, 29%) and then multiple myeloma (14; 25,45%) and osteosarcoma (8;15,54%). Among soft tissue tumors, the most commonly seen benign tumor was found to be ganglion cyst (cystic hygroma) (107; 36,1%), followed by lipoma (41; 13,99%) and tendon sheath giant cell tumor (33; 11,26%), whereas the most commonly seen malignant soft tissue tumor was found to be liposarcoma (6; 23,07) and malignant mesenchymal tumor (5; 19,23%), followed by pleomorphic undifferentiated sarcoma (5; 19,23%). In our country, statistical studies concerning distribution of bone and soft tissue tumors are progressively increasing. We suggest that larger series published by collecting from different centers are of particular importance in regard to epidemiological characteristics of bone and soft tissue tumors, as well as guiding in diagnosis and treatment.

Key words: Bone tumor, soft tissue tumor, demography

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