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Case Report

Open Vet J. 2017; 7(4): 328-331

Treatment of severe mitral regurgitation caused by lesions in both leaflets using multiple mitral valve plasty techniques in a small dog.

Satoko Yokoyama, Isamu Kanemoto, Kippei Mihara, Takanori Ando, Koudai Kawase, Yasuaki Sahashi, Kazuhito Iguchi.

Cited by 5 Articles

Mitral valve plasty (MVP) is preferred over mitral valve replacement (MVR) for mitral regurgitation in humans because of its favorable effect on quality of life. In small dogs, it is difficult to repair multiple lesions in both leaflets using MVP. Herein, we report a case of severe mitral regurgitation caused by multiple severe lesions in the posterior leaflet (PL) in a mixed Chihuahua. Initially, we had planned MVR with an artificial valve. However, MVP combined with chordal reconstruction of both leaflets, semicircular suture annuloplasty, and valvuloplasty using a newly devised direct scallop suture for the PL was attempted in this dog. The dog recovered well and showed no adverse cardiac signs, surviving two major operations. The dog died 4 years and 10 months after the MVP due to non-cardiovascular disease. Our technique of using a direct scallop suture seemed useful for PL repair involving multiple scallops in a small dog.

Key words: Key words: mitral regurgitation, chordal reconstruction, semi-circular suture annuloplasty, multiple direct scallop suture, small dog

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