Potential of Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was assessed and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) was applied over entire range of spectra for determining characteristics chemical compositional similarity of 11 different Termitomyces Heim strains using 20 days old pelletized dry biomass produced under submerged shaken condition at 28±1oC. Four dominant spectral windows showing C-H, O-H stretching region, amide I, amide II and polysaccharide regions were identified displaying characteristic variable bands across species at range 3400-3200 cm-1, 2900-2850 cm-1, 2350-2215 cm-1, 1750 cm-1, 1658-1625 cm-1, 1582-1547 cm-1, 1375-1315 cm-1 and 900-725 cm-1. The HCA dendrogram showed formation of two major clusters based on their presumptive chemical similarity.
Key words: Termitomyces, FTIR, Hierarchical Cluster, Savitzky-Golay, Spectral windows, Dendrogram