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Case Report

J Med Allied Sci. 2017; 7(2): 118-121

Report of two rare cases of Kindler's syndrome in siblings

Neha Chowdary Koganti, Nayeem Sadath Haneef, Fatima Razvi, B. Y. Praveen Kumar, Nikhat Fatima, Mohammed Altamash Zubair, Debasmita Chakraborty.


Kindler’s syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder. It is characterized by trauma-induced blistering, photosensitivity, poikiloderma and mucosal inflammation. It occurs due to mutation on chromosome 20p. This report describes two siblings with history of blistering and photosensitivity in childhood and later developed poikiloderma with histopathology of effected skin showing features of poikiloderma.

Key words: Kindler's syndrome, Photosensitivity, Poikiloderma

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