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Case Report

A unique case of complex elbow dislocation with isolated ipsilateral distal radius fracture

Numan Atilgan, Mehmet Rauf Koc, Recep Memik.


Only a few cases of elbow dislocation with ipsilateral distal radius fracture have been reported in literature. Most of these reports have described surgical approaches to this injury, though often in these situations, there were complicating factors, such as associated compound or coronoid process fractures. Herein, we present the case of a patient with combined elbow dislocation and isolated, ipsilateral distal radius fracture. To be able to quickly identify this type of injury, it is important to have a high index of suspicion for the possibility of elbow dislocation in the setting of any severe wrist injury. Plain radiographs were essential for diagnosis. Three-dimensional computed tomography may be helpful for evaluating the injury and guiding treatment planning. The patient was treated conservatively with closed reduction and obtained satisfactory clinical and functional results at 12 months of follow-up. In the absence of complicating factors, elbow dislocation with isolated, ipsilateral distal radius fracture may be treated successfully without surgery.

Key words: Complex elbow dislocation, conservative management, distal radius fracture

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