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Original Article

AJVS. 2017; 52(1): 190-197

Relationship Between Some Biochemical Parameters and Hormones in Milk and Serum Associated to Reproduction in She Camel

Maha A. Ibrahim, Howida M. A. Abd-El-Rahman and H. A. Elmetwaly.


This study is a trial to determine some hormonal and biochemical parameters levels in milk versus their levels in camels sera in order to be an easier available tool for better management, treatment, or prevention of infertility problems. For this trial, 70 apparently healthy dromedary she camels (6–12 years old) of average weight 520 kg were used. Milk and blood samples of the same camels were analyzed to the same parameter ; progesterone (P4), estradiol 17β (E2), total triiodothyronine (T3), total thyroxin (T4) testosterone (T), cortisol(C), prolactin (PRL),total protein (TP), albumin (ALB), nitric oxide (NO) and lysozyme (LYS). Data were analyzed by correlation and regression test. Correlation analysis revealed significant positive correlations of P4, E2, T3, T4 and PRL hormones concentrations in serum and their milk concentration; While, there was no correlation between testosterone and cortisol concentrations in serum and their milk levels. Significant positive correlation relationships were found between serum P4 level and both serum and milk T3 level. Also, significant positive correlation relationships were found between serum T3 levels and both serum and milk T4 level. On the other hand, significant negative correlations were found between serum E2 level and both serum and milk T3 level. Regression analysis revealed equations for determination of P4, E2, T3 and T4. Our results indicated that there is a significant positive correlation between most of the hormone profiles in milk and that of blood. Therefore, measuring hormone concentrations in milk seem to be a good estimate of the average hormone content in serum. We try to find a tool to help the herd managers and veterinarians to overcome causes of poor reproductive performance of camels especially problems associated with heat detection and pregnancy diagnosis for improve reproductive performance.

Key words: she camel; milk; serum; correlation; regression; hormonal analysis; biochemical parameters, nitric oxide, lysozyme.

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