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Correlation of Oxidative Stress Markers with Ultrasound and Cardiotocography Parameters with Hypertension Induced Pregnancy

Dragica Draganovic, Nenad Lucic, Dragica Jojic, Snjezana Milicevic.


Introduction: Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH), especially preeclampsia, is a state of extremely increased oxidative stress (OS), due to decrease of antioxidant capacity in comparison to normotensive pregnant women. The consequences of increased state of oxidative stress with hypertension disorder in pregnancy are disorder of placental blood flow, intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus and disturbance in transfer of O2 manifested as pathological ultrasound (US) parameters (amount of amniotic fluid and biophysical profile of fetus) and cardiotocography parameters (CTG). Aim: The aim of this research is to analyze correlation of TBARS oxidative stress markers with ultrasound parameters of pregnancy course and cardiotocography parameters in pregnant women with PIH. Patients and methods: Research has been performed at the Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University Clinical Centre of the Republic of Srpska. It covered 200 pregnant women, 100 of them with PIH and 100 healthy pregnant women, at gestational age from 28 to 40 weeks. All pregnant women were analyzed for US parameters of pregnancy course and CTG records as well as oxidative stress biomarker, values of Thiobarbituric Acid (TBARS). Results: Pregnant women with PIH had high statistical significant (pre)pathological CTG records and US- biophysical profile, less amount of amniotic fluid and delivered in lower gestation compared to healthy pregnant women. TBARS high values are statistical high significant frequent with pregnant women with PIH, who had pathological and pre-pathological biophysical profile and CTG records, as well as with US less amount of amniotic fluid (p

Key words: PIH, TBARS, oxidative stress, US parameters, CTG record.

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