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Advantages of T2 Weighted Three Dimensional and T1 Weighted Three Dimensional Contrast Medium Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Urography in Examination of the Child Population

Adnan Sehic, Fuad Julardzija, Sandra Vegar-Zubovic, Irmina Sefic-Pasic.


Aim: The aim of this study is to prove the advantages of combined use of T2 weighted three dimensional (T2 W 3D) and T1 weighted three dimensional contrast medium enhanced (T1 W 3D CE) magnetic resonance (MR) urography in displaying urinary tract in child population. Material and methods: Total of 120 patients were included in the study, 71 (59%) male patients and 49 (41%) female patients. The study was conducted on the Radiology clinic, University of Sarajevo Clinical Center, during the period from February to November 2016. Patients were examined on the 1.5T and 3T MRI, with standard protocol which includes T2 W 3D and T1 W 3D contrast medium enhanced MR urography. In the post procesing quantitative measurement of signal intensity and evaluation of the display quality in the area of renal pelvis, middle of ureter and the mouth of the ureter were done. Measurement was concluded on Syngo software B13. Results: Analyzing the acquired data and statistically processing them we got results which have shown higher signal intensity of measured structures on T1 W 3D contrast medium enhanced MR urography on the level p

Key words: T2 weighted 3D MR urography, T1 weighted 3D MR urography, MR urography protocol, contrast medium enhanced MR urography.

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