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Assessment of the Nasopalatine Canal: an Anatomical Study

Ibrahim Nasseh, Georges Aoun, Sayde Sokhn.


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the anatomy of the nasopalatine canal in a Lebanese population using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) technology. Materials and Methods: CBCT images of 63 Lebanese adult patients were included in this study. The length, shape, diameter of the oral opening corresponding to the incisive foramen and inclination in relation to the hard palate of the nasopalatine canal were analyzed. Results: Of all canals assessed, 13 were hourglass-shaped, 23 were cylindrical-shaped, 23 were funnel-shaped and 4 were spindle-shaped. The mean canal length and the incisive foramen anteroposterior diameter were respectively 11.52 mm and 4.91 mm. The average canal inclination related to the hard palate was 17.09 degrees. Conclusion: Within the limits of this study, we conclude that in Lebanese patients, the shape of the nasopalatine canal is variable. No statistical significance was noticed between genders except for the canal length which was found shorter in our female sample.

Key words: Cone-beam computed tomography, incisive foramen, nasopalatine canal, Lebanese population.

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