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Reliability, Feasibility and Value of Ecography in Clinical-functional Results in Patients Affected by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: is There a Correlation?

Mattia Manni, Michele Bisaccia, Giuseppe Rinonapoli, Andrea Schiavone, Luigi Meccariello, Steven James Mccabe, Olga Bisaccia, Cristina Ibáñez Vicente, Andrea Cappiello, Auro Caraffa.


Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate how the ultrasound examination in the carpal tunnel diagnosis could contribute to the clinical and neurophysiological evaluation. This was done by evaluating the cross-sectional area (CSA) and its correlation with symptoms and functionality data assessed by the BTQC questionnaire. Methods: 60 patients were subjected to open CTR for idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome. The median nerve CSA was assessed both pre-operatively and in follow-up at 4 and 12 weeks. The Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionanaire (BCTQ) was proposed at the same time. Results: BCTQ score significantly improved after 4 weeks, but there was a less significant increase at 12 weeks for both the BCTQ-S and the BCTQ-F. The 4-week CSA, however, did not appear to have markedly improvement, where as the 12-week CSA turned out to be statistically significant. The correlation between BCTQ and CSA shows that post-surgery, the reduction of CSA of the median nerve is correlated with the symptomatic and functional reduction in patients. Conclusions: The study shows that the symptomatology and the functionality of the hand after surgery for the carpal tunnel resolves quickly. Furthermore, the reduction of the CSA proves to show that the use of ultrasound can help in the evaluation of patients with this state.

Key words: Median nerve, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Ultrasonography, Carpal tunnel release.

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