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Assessment of postural conditions of children at early adolescence period

Fadime Ustuner Top, Dilek Konuk Sener.


This study was performed in order to measure the level of knowledge of primary school students about postural disorders, to determine its effects on their lives and to provide proper posture techniques. The study was planned and performed in the order of pre test-post test in one group from pre-experimental designs. A questionnaire was used as the data collection tool. Students and their families were trained after pre-test phase. It was determined that students used correct position while sleeping (p=0.00) and writing (p=0.03), and they paid attention to body mechanics while carrying objects (on the arms p=0.00, on the back p=0.00) and lifting objects from the ground (p=0.00) after the training. As a result of this study, it was decided that training that was prepared for the adolescents and their parents to prevent postural disorders, is effective and applicable.

Key words: Posture, adolescent, parents, education

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