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Optimization of peroxidase production from Humicola grisea and its application in biodegradation of textile dyes

Hany Moubasher, fatma mostafa, omima haroun.


Peroxidases are important group of enzymes that play a major role in biodegradation of organopollutants. Eight fungal isolates were isolated, identified, and tested for their peroxidase production and decolorization activity. Sunzol Brilliant Orange and Suncron Blue were chosen for this investigation. All fungal isolates gave positive decolorization; however, the highest percentage of decolorization was obtained with Humicola grisea. Lignin peroxidases from Humicola grisea, which was the most potent fungus, was studied regarding the optimal culture conditions for production. The best lignin peroxidases (LiPs) production obtained using Kirk &Tien media supplemented with 10g l-1 sucrose as carbon source and 0.5g l-1 ammonium hydrogen phosphate as nitrogen source. The optimum temperature for LiPs production was at 30 °C, while the optimum pH was at 4.

Key words: Peroxidase, Humicola grisea, textile dyes, biodegradation, organopollutants.

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