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J App Pharm Sci. 2017; 7(11): 147-154

Renoprotective Effect of Centaurea choulettiana Pomel (Asteraceae) Leaves on Cisplatin -induced Oxidative Stress and Renal dysfunction in Mice

Bioud Kenza, Azzouzi Djihane, Benrebai Mouad, Mekkiou Ratiba, Benayache Samir, Benayache Fadila, Ameddah Souad.


Many species of the Centaurea genus have long been used in traditional medicine. Cisplatin emerged as one of the principal chemotherapeutic agents to treat various human malignancies. In this study we aimed to investigate the possible renoprotective effects of n-BuOH extract of Centaurea choulettiana Pomel leaves (BECC) in a cisplatin-induced nephropathy model. Administration of a single dose of cisplatin (8 mg/kg body weight; i.p) resulted in acute renal failure as evidenced by the elevation of blood urea nitrogen (BUN)level, creatinine level, renal oxidative stress associated with extensive epithelial cell vacuolization, swelling, desquamation and necrosis as histopathological alterations .
The pretreatment of mice with BECC (150 mg/kg; 10 days) attenuated the increase renal dysfunction markers, creatinine (80.15 %), BUN (57.58 %) and suppressed malondialdehyde (MDA) (54.90 %). BECC pretreatment restored GSH level (63.29 %) and reversed the antioxidant enzymes, CAT (67.61 %), SOD ( 68.16 %), GPX (66.38 %) and the GST activities (70.18 %) as compared to the vitamin E pretreatment in suppressing MDA level (74.10 %) and in GSH, CAT, SOD, GPX, GST activities preservation (80.59 % , 84.35.%, 85.68 %, 77.90 %, 86.63 %) respectively, indicating the comparable preventive effect of both BECC and vitamin E. The histopathological protection was clearly confirmed by the reduction of renal MPO Level (52.21%). Both biochemical results and histopathological evidence showed the renoprotective potential of of Centaurea choulettiana, which was able to ameliorate CP-induced and renal dysfunction through its antioxidant capacity.

Key words: Cisplatin, Centaurea choulettiana Pomel, Nephrotoxicity, Oxidative Stress

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