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Biomed Res Ther. 2017; 4(3): 1185-1197

Assessment the association between liver cancer incidence and mortality rate with human development index in the European countries in 2012

Mohammadian, Mohammad Aryaie, Pezhman Bagheri, Fatemeh Allah Bakeshei, Abdollah Mohammadian-Hafshejani.


Background: Liver Cancer (LC) is one of the most common cancers in the worldwide. This cancer is considered as the fifth most common cancer in male and the ninth most common cancer in female. However, socioeconomic factors and morbidity and mortality of cancer are linked by sophisticated and flexible pathways. We were investigated the association between incidence and mortality of LC with the Human Development Index (HDI) in European countries in 2012. Methods: This study was an ecologic study in European countries for assessment the correlation between Age-Specific Incidence Rate (ASIR) and Age-Specific Mortality Rate (ASMR) of LC with HDI and its details including: Life expectancy at birth, Mean years of schooling and Gross National Income (GNI) per capita. We used of Pearson correlation method for appraisement the association between HDI and its components with ASIR and ASMR. Data of study was analyzed by SPSS15 statistical analysis software; the significance level of the tests was considered P˂0.05. Results: Generally in 2012, European countries have recorded 63,462 new cases of LC, crude rate was 8.6 and ASIR was 4.3 per 100,000. On the other hand in Europe countries in 2012, 62,191 cases of deaths were occurred due to LC, crude rate was 8.4 and ASMR was 3.9 per 100,000. Strong positive Correlation was observed between ASIR and ASMR (r = 0.848; P ≤ 0.001). HDI have weak negative correlation with ASIR of LC (r = - 0.194; P = 0.230), and strong negative correlation with ASMR of LC(r= - 0.515; P = 0.001). Conclusion: Increase in the human development index was associated with reduce in incidence and mortality of LC.

Key words: Liver Cancer, HDI, Incidence, Mortality, Europe

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