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Biomed Res Ther. 2017; 4(3): 1198-1209

The effect of peer support group on self-transcendence in patients undergoing haemodialysis

Maryam Jadid Milani, Parastoo Amiri, Marjan Vejdani, Hamid Salehiniya, Akram Malek-khahi.


Introduction: Self-transcendence helps patients undergoing haemodialysis to organize the variety of challenges caused by the disease in order to make them feel well. This study was conducted to determine the effect of counterpart group on improving self-transcendence level in patients undergoing haemodialysis. Materials and Methods: This clinical trial was conducted with two groups of intervention and control, with 55 patients undergoing hemodialysis. The samples were divided in 2 groups of intervention and control through block randomization. Two-hour counterpart group sessions were held for eight weeks for intervention group. The session's topics were based on the patients’ needs and interests. Research tools were questionnaire, demographic information and "Reed’s Self-Transcendence Scale (STS)". The descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis using the SPSS v18. Results: There was a significant difference between self-transcendence scores in two groups of intervention and control (P

Key words: Counterpart group, Haemodialysis, Self-transcendence

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