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Tachycardia as a Negative Prognostic Factor for Stroke Outcome

Amina Nakicevic, Salem Alajbegovic, Lejla Alajbegovic.


Introduction: The outcome of stroke, especially lethal one is significant, as in the hemorrhagic as well as in ischemic stroke. Goal was to show the impact on the stroke outcome of tachycardia correlated with lesion localization. Material and methods: Material for our work was patients who were treated due to the stroke at the Neurology Clinic Sarajevo in the period from 31 March 2015 until 01 January 2016. A total of 544 stoke patients were treated in the reporting period, 221 (44.6%) died. There were 70.9% patients with ischemic and 29.1% with hemorrhagic stroke. Each patient underwent ECG, which registered tachycardia during admission and on third day of hospitalization. Results: In relation to the presence of tachycardia on admission there were statistically significant differences in the group of patients with hemorrhage and ischemia in relation to presence of tachycardia (p

Key words: stroke, outcome, prognostic factors, tachycardia.

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