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Associations of Body Mass Index and Gestational Weight Gain with Term Pregnancy Outcomes

Tatjana Barisic, Vjekoslav Mandic, Ivana Barac.


Introduction: Obesity is one of the greatest health problems in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) defined obesity as a disease in which the excess of adipose tissue accumulates in such a degree that is endangers health. Obesity is a very complex multifactor disease that is developed under the influence of genetic and metabolic factors, environment, social and cultural environment as well as bad habits. The causes of obesity can be numerous. The most common source of obesity is the development of energetic imbalance. Material and methods: A retrospective study of medical records in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Clinical Hospital in Mostar was conducted. It included 1300 pregnant women and their children that were delivered in the time period from January 1st 2015 to December 31st 2015. It was conducted a retrospective study which involved 1300 pregnant women who gave births in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of University Clinical Hospital in Mostar in the period from January 1st 2015 to December 31st 2015 and their newborns. Results: The difference in age of pregnant women with different body mass index was not statistically relevant. The average age of pregnant women with normal body mass was 29.52 ± 5.48, overweight pregnant women 30.30 ± 5.138, and obese pregnant women 30.00 ± 5.103 (F = 2.730; p = 0.066). The youngest was 24, and the oldest was 49 years old. The average gestational age at delivery was 39.23 ± 1.556 (min 28; max. 42 weeks of gestation). The majority of pregnant women; 660 of them (50.8 %), were overweight in the early stages of their pregnancy, there were 322 (24.8 %) obese women, and there were 318 (24.5 %) normal weight women.
At the end of the pregnancy, the highest number was that of obese pregnant women 925 (71.2 %), while 328 (25.2 %) pregnant women were overweight, and only 47 (3.6 %) pregnant women had normal weight. Conclusion: Nutritive status and weight gain of a mother during pregnancy are an important indication of her health and of the foetus growth. Overweightness and obesity of a mother before pregnancy and during pregnancy has a negative influence on the health of the mother and infant. Moreover, it is linked with risk and a negative pregnancy outcome. BMI was associated with an increased risk of adverse perinatal outcome.

Key words: obesity, pregnant woman, body mass index.

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