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Assessment of self-care activities: A study among type 2 diabetic patients in a rural area of West Bengal

Shobhit Garg, Bobby Paul, Aparajita Dasgupta, Swanya Prabha Maharana.

Cited by 7 Articles

Background: Diabetes care is complex. Diabetes self-care activities are behaviors undertaken by people to successfully manage diabetes on their own. In populous and developing country like India where resources are limited, and treatment costs are on the rise, emphasizing on the self-care management may lead to improved outcomes in treatment and expenditure.

Objectives: To assess self-care activities and associated factors among type 2 diabetic patients.

Materials and Methods: A clinic-based cross-sectional study was conducted in Primary Health Centre in Singur among 195 patients (males 45 [23.1%], females 150 [76.9%]) who were interviewed with the help of a pretested schedule. Descriptive statistics, univariate logistic regression, and multivariable logistic regression were used to analyze the data.

Results: Among the six domains of self-care activities, drug intake compliance was as high as 72.3% while correct diet intake and foot care were as low as 35.4% and 37.4%, respectively. Overall satisfactory self-care activities were among only 25.6% diabetic patients while adequate advice related to self-care activities was given to 38.5% patients. Longer duration (odds ratio [OR] - 3.1, confidence interval [CI] - 1.7-7.4), adequate advised (OR - 2.9, CI - 1.3-6.9), no diabetes distress (OR - 2.9, CI - 1.2-7.4), and glycemic control (OR - 4.0, CI - 1.8-9.3) were significant predictors of satisfactory self-care activities. Final model can predict the 34.5% of variance of self-care activities. Final model can predict 74.4% of the outcome accurately.

Conclusion: Both self-care advises and activities should be an integral part of the control of the disease through high-quality health education and promotion programs guided by health personnel at all levels.

Key words: Multivariable Logistic Regression; Self-care Activities; Type-2 Diabetes

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