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Case Report

Anaesth. pain intensive care. 2017; 21(2): 263-267

Long QT Syndrome: A hidden threat

Mobeen Ashfaq, Shaimaa Mohammed Yousef, Mahesh M Chandrashekaraiah, Shahid Adeel.


Long QT Syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by prolongation of QT interval on an ECG. Patients with this disorder have an increased risk of developing life-threatening arrhythmia such as torsades de pointes, and at times sudden cardiac arrest.

We present this first case of undiagnosed Long QT Syndrome in a 7 years old boy, who presented for incision and drainage of an abscess in the left axilla under General Anesthesia in our set up. This case highlights the importance of proper and meticulous pre-anesthesia evaluation, even in low risk patients, so that potentially harmful medical conditions may be picked up and managed accordingly.

Key words: Keyword: Long QT Syndrome, Anesthesia, Pediatrics, Torsades de Pointes.

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