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Original Article

J App Pharm Sci. 2017; 7(11): 155-158

Spectrophotometric Determination of pKa and Log P of Risperidone

Sunil Kumar Dubey, Gautam Singhvi, Abhay Tyagi, Himanshu Agarwal, K. V. Krishna.


Objective: The spectrophotometric determination of pKa and Log P of Risperidone.
Materials and Methods: From the perspective of dosage form design and pharmaceutical analysis, the dissociation constant and partition coefficient are the most important physicochemical properties of a drug which need to be determined. The pKa determination of Risperidone was carried out using a simple UV–Visible spectrophotometric method and Log P was estimated using shake flask method followed by UV analysis.
Results and Conclusion: This study reports the experimental value of pKa and log P for Risperidone, an anti-psychotic drug, for the first time. The pKa value of Risperidone was found to be 8.62 and log P of Risperidone was estimated to be 3.50.

Key words: Anti-psychotic, Dissociation constant, Partition coefficient, Validation

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