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Case Report

Nasotracheal intubation with c-mac video-laryngoscope in a patient with Treacher Collins Syndrome

Ahmet Selim Ozkan, Sedat Akbas, Erol Toy, Mehmet Ridvan Yalin, Ayse Yilkinc.


Treacher Collins Syndrome (TCS) is a dominantly inherited autosomal disease, which is limited to head and neck. In management of difficult airways seen in patients with TCS, the direct laryngoscope, video-laryngoscope (VL), and fiber-optic laryngoscope (FOB) were successfully utilized. No study indicating the successful execution of nasotracheal intubation on a patient with TCS by using C-MAC video-laryngoscope was found in literature review. In this case study, we aimed to share our airway management on a patient with TCS, for whom we planned nasotracheal intubation due to a dental surgery.

Key words: Treacher Collins Syndrome, nasotracheal intubation, videolaryngoscope

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