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Electromyogram, hand grip strength and time to fatigue in matched samples of vegetarians and non-vegetarians

Manjunath H, Prabha V, Venkatesh D, Raju H Taklikar.

Cited by 3 Articles

Background: Nutritional content of diet of vegetarian (V) and non-vegetarian (NV) differs in terms of food composition, and vegetarian diets are often low in protein, probably causing a difference in body composition, structure and strength characteristics.

Aims and Objectives: To compare the electromyogram (EMG), hand grip strength (HGS) and time to fatigue in matched groups V and NV.

Materials and Methods: Anthropometrically matched 50 V and 50 NV males in the age group 17-19 were recruited for the study. HGS and EMG were recorded with the help of grip force transducer and EMG electrodes using Power lab 8/30 series with dual bioamplifier (AD Instruments Australia, Model No. ML870). Student’s t-test (two-tailed, independent) was used to find the significance of study parameters between two groups.

Results: There was no statistically significant difference in HGS, time to fatigue and EMG when compared between matched NV and V.

Conclusion: HGS, time to fatigue and EMG where comparable for V and NV.

Key words: Electromyogram; Hand Grip Strength; Time to Fatigue; Vegetarians; Non-vegetarian

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